Daily Gospel Reading for October 16, 2021 – Saturday in the Twenty-Eighth Week of Ordinary Time Bible Verse

The 16th of October, 2021 is Saturday in the Twenty-Eighth Week of Ordinary Time. The Holy Bible verses for the mass readings for this day came from the Liturgical Calendar of the Year 2021.

Reading 1: ROM 4:13, 16-18

The first reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.

For the promise to Abraham and to his offspring that he would be heir of the world wasn’t through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

For this cause it is of faith, that it may be according to grace, to the end that the promise may be sure to all the offspring, not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.

As it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations.” This is in the presence of him whom he believed: God, who gives life to the dead, and calls the things that are not, as though they were.

Against hope, Abraham in hope believed, to the end that he might become a father of many nations, according to that which had been spoken, “So will your offspring be.”

Responsorial Psalm: PS 105:6-7, 8-9, 42-43

Response: He has remembered his covenant forever.

You offspring of Abraham, his servant, you children of Jacob, his chosen ones.

He is Yahweh, our God. His judgments are in all the earth.

R: He has remembered his covenant forever.

He has remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations, the covenant which he made with Abraham, his oath to Isaac.

R: He has remembered his covenant forever.

For he remembered his holy word, and Abraham, his servant.

He brought his people out with joy, his chosen with singing.

R: He has remembered his covenant forever.

Gospel of the Day: LK 12:8-12

From the gospel scripture according to Luke.

“I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, the Son of Man will also confess before the angels of God; but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of God’s angels.

Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don’t be anxious how or what you will answer or what you will say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say.”

Other Celebration

An optional celebration on this day is the Memorial of Saint Hedwig, Religious as well as Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin.

Spreaditorial Team

Spreaditorial Team at HMASSP is dedicated in spreading the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to everyone in the world.